August is here, our Lawmakers are returning to their home districts, and Republican operatives and tea-baggers are organizing to intimidate and bully them into defeating our last, best hope for comprehensive health care reform.
“Senators and Congressmen will come back in September afraid to vote against us,” South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint bragged to supporters, adding that, “If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him!”
The fight for health care reform is on. And this time, we’re ready for them.
With 34 members, California has the largest delegation of Democratic Lawmakers in the country. We have a significant opportunity to affect the outcome of this fight in a very real, very concrete way. But it will take all of us giving it everything we’ve got in the next three weeks to make it happen.
Here is what we need you to do.
MAKE THREE PHONE CALLS. One to each Senator, Feinstein and Boxer, and one to your own congressional representative.
Don’t know who who your congress member is? Click on this link to find out.
Don’t have your congress members contact information? Click on this link to get it.
Tell your elected members the following:
- Health care is a basic human right.
- Support a strong public option as part of health care reform.
- Support a public health care option that is available to ALL Americans on Day One. No “trigger”. No delay.
- Support a public health care option that is national, available everywhere, and accountable to Congress.
- Support a public health care option that can bargain for rates from providers and big drug companies.
ORGANIZE SUPPORTERS TO ATTEND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE’S TOWN HALL MEETINGS! The Teabaggers are busing in supporters from outside the member’s districts to disrupt meetings meant to educate their constituents. We must be there to stop the bullying and intimidation. We’ve created a Google Calendar with all the California Town Hall meetings we know about. Click on this link to find out if there will be a town hall meeting near you. If you don’t find any events in your own districts, please consider attending one in a neighboring district.
BE OUR EYES AND EARS! TELL US WHEN AND WHERE THE TOWN HALL MEETINGS WILL BE! Already we’ve listed dozens of events, but the list is far, far from complete. We need YOU to let us know of any meetings you find out about. Click on this link to fill in what you’ve learned on our August Recess Tracker
WE NEED YOU TO ORGANIZE PHONE BANKS! We will give lists to any organizer who commits to organizing a phone bank for 500+ phone calls. We will be targeting Senators Feinstein and Boxer, as well as the organizer’s House Member. We can get you lists to any Congressional District in California.
SPREAD THE WORD! Please pass this on to anyone and everyone you can think of. We’ve created a webpage with all this information. Facebook it, Twitter it, blog about it.