
Spotlight on a Candidate, Torie Osborn

AD Race 50 Torie Osborn



“I am proud to support Torie Osborn for AD 50.  Torie and I worked on the Obama Campaign

together and her commitment and perseverance inspired everyone around us.  Torie is not

Sacramento establishment, she is what an elected representative should be; one focused on the needs of the people in her community rather than the get nothing done politicking of Sacramento.  Torie is the kind of

Leader this state and this country desperately needs to get us back on track and I am deeply

honored to call her my friend.”

Laura Velkei, Former CA Volunteer Director for Obama for America



As a long-time organizer and activist, Torie won’t just be a good vote for progressive causes. At a time when California is in midst of multiple crises, Torie will be a leader and advocate, a strong voice for social justice, and an effective coalition-builder.  Torie’s long list of endorsements includes many elected officials, labor and environmental leaders, and community activists 

Peter Dreier

Dr. E.P. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Politics

Chair, Urban & Environmental Policy Department

Occidental College


Check out the article by Tom Hayden!

Torie is the real deal.  We like to think of her as our Elizabeth Warren and that says a lot.

Torie is a 27 year resident of her District and a life long Champion of Civil rights and Social Justice.  She is the only candidate truly qualified to represent the very progressive AD 50.

What should have been a slam dunk for Torie, has turned into one of the most contentious races in years.  When the district boundaries were re-drawn through redistricting, Betsy Butler, now re-drawn to AD 66, decided that she didn’t want to do battle against the mean old tea bagger candidate Nathan Mintz (the same tea bagger she beat to win her current assembly seat.) and decided to run in the safe district and against Torie.

 Grassroots and progressive leaders all made impassioned pleas to Butler and her people, assuring and offering full support if Butler would remain in her district and continue to work for the same voters who fought so hard to get her in office.  Despite the support, Butler defied and betrayed her constituents, and essentially flipped the middle finger to community leaders thinking that because the speaker vowed to protect incumbents, she would have smooth sailing.

 Failure in judgment #1

 Next, papers filed, Butler proceeds to open a campaign office IN THE WRONG DISTRICT!

 Failure in judgment #2

But the piece de resistance was what activists are calling Babybottlegate.  Touting an unblemished environmental record and full labor support Butler decided to gimmick her campaign literature to show off her legislation to remove BPA from baby bottles; legislation that does not become law until 2013. A few weeks ago 8,000 plastic baby bottles were delivered to constituents in AD 50 wrapped in campaign literature touting her success.  But the gimmick backfired when horrified residents of AD 50 expressed their outrage at polluting their district with unwanted unusable plastic manufactured by…wait for it… NON-UNION LABORERS IN MEXICO!  Activist and Blogger Marta Evry broke the story with an in depth expose. You can read more at Venice for Change.

Failure in judgment #3

And now with new polls showing Butler behind, Sacramento is launching hundreds of Assembly staffers to descend on AD 50.  Not volunteers who believe Butler, but paid staffers being required to “volunteer” their time for “the cause”.

We need your help to get Torie elected.  If you can help over the next couple of weeks, please contact the Osborn campaign and tell them LAG4O sent you.



West Hollywood campaign Office (For more volunteer options)

8235 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 300, West Hollywood, CA 90046 (map)

WHAT:  Phone Bank & Canvass*

WHEN:  EVERY DAY Sunday thru Saturday

10:00am – 2:00pm

2:00pm – 4:00pm

4:00pm – 6:00pm*

6:00pm – 8:00pm

(*Canvass till 6:00pm)



Private Home – Volunteer (For more volunteer options)

634 Copeland Court, Santa Monica, CA 90405 (map)

(Street parking)

WHAT:  Phone Bank

WHEN:  Primary Week Schedule:
Santa Monica
Thursday 5:30pm to 8pm
Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 10am to 8pm


Posted in 2012, Endorsements.