Our amazing colleagues in CD 33 are kicking it up a notch. Come down and join them!
Jobs Not Cuts Solidarity Event with OCCUPYLA
Saturday, October 15
Gather from 11:30 am to 12:00 pm noon at the Southwest corner of Spring and Temple Street. Look for colorful signs: “CD 33 – We are the 99%!”
Wear light clothing, bring sunscreen, a hat and, a water bottle. We’ll have signs available but you can bring your own signs too!
CD 33 is Congressional District 33 and we hope you will join us to march even if you don’t live in this district!
If you can’t find us on the day, you can contact:
Lauren Johnson (323) 400-8742
Sylvia Castillo (323) 627-0742
Lyn Goldfarb (323) 821-8060
We’ll join the larger delegation at Fletcher Bowron Square for a march down the financial district that morning. RSVP to replying to this email or call Lauren at 323. 400-8742. Hope to see you there!
Saturday is a Global Day of Action, complete schedule for that day is as follows….
What: Rally, Open Mic, Peaceful Demonstration and Occupation!
Where: gather at Lincoln Park
Time: 10am
We will begin to gather at Lincoln Park (Broadway Ave. & Pacific Ave.) at 10am….Rally and Open Mic will begin at 11am. Then join us as we take to the sidewalks of our downtown financial district for a peaceful demonstration which will begin at noon and will conclude back at Lincoln Park. We will resume Open Mic at Lincoln Park at 1:30pm. General Assembly meeting at 6pm. Please make sure to bring water and food.
Come share your story and meet your neighbors!
Saturday October 15th a SECOND rally will be held at 9:30pm at Lincoln Park (Pacific at Broadway – LB City Hall Plaza).
As part of the first night of occupation of Lincoln Park we will hold a rally to demonstrate our 1st Amendment right to peaceful assembly.
We need as many people as possible to attend and stand in solidarity. We will be reading the first Amendment. It is critical that we occupy in very large numbers by 10pm.
1st Amendment
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Saturday is a Global Day of Action, complete schedule for that day is as follows….
What: Rally, Open Mic, Peaceful Demonstration and Occupation!
Where: gather at Lincoln Park
Time: 10am
We will begin to gather at Lincoln Park (Broadway Ave. & Pacific Ave.) at 10am….Rally and Open Mic will begin at 11am. Then join us as we take to the sidewalks of our downtown financial district for a peaceful demonstration which will begin at noon and will conclude back at Lincoln Park. We will resume Open Mic at Lincoln Park at 1:30pm. General Assembly meeting at 6pm. Please make sure to bring water and food.
Come share your story and meet your neighbors!
Saturday October 15th a SECOND rally will be held at 9:30pm at Lincoln Park (Pacific at Broadway – LB City Hall Plaza).
As part of the first night of occupation of Lincoln Park we will hold a rally to demonstrate our 1st Amendment right to peaceful assembly.
We need as many people as possible to attend and stand in solidarity. We will be reading the first Amendment. It is critical that we occupy in very large numbers by 10pm
Civic Center Plaza & Park, 1 Civic Center Plaza (Map)
Irvine, CA 92606
Saturday, October 15th, 10:00 AM
Let’s keep the momentum going! Please sign up for this gathering right away!
Message from your host, Ron V.: With the Wall Street Occupation getting so much attention this week, we have an unbelievable opportunity next week. As big a story as the Wall Street Occupation is this week, the media might very well have moved on by next week. But not if we have public facing actions in every neighborhood, town, a…(more)nd city all over the country. Then the story about rage on Wall Street suddenly becomes a story about rage everywhere, the need for Jobs Not Cuts everywhere, the need to Make Them Pay everywhere. Our movement could take a great leap forward and explode into the consciousness of the country. These opportunities don’t come around all that often. We launched this movement because we saw the power of what was happening in Wisconsin and we pushed ourselves and we joined our strength to theirs. This is another such moment, but only if we seize it.
The plan is to occupy the largest financial representation in Orange County located in Irvine and to be in solidarity with Occupy the World occurring the same day throughout much of the world!
Bring your walking shoes, sunscreen, hat, and water. We will begin occupying at the corner of Alton & Harvard from 8am to 10am and then rally, march, and protest from 10am to 1pm from this corner to the corner of Jamboree & Barranca and back with signs, banners, and chants drawing attention from citizens in a honk & waive fashion. If time is a factor, you may come any time and leave any time along the way or simply stay at the occupy site and look after everyone else’s belongings.