Newsletter 5/18/11

LA Grassroots 4 Obama  


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Dear Laura,


As you’ve undoubtedly heard, Tea Party candidate Craig Huey has passed Secretary of State Debra Bowen by 200 votes in yesterday’s race. 

However, with over 9,800 late absentee and provisional ballots yet to be counted, Debra could yet wins this.

This is where you come in – we need observers to monitor the vote today, and the rest of the week. Huey is already sending people over, so we need all hands on deck.

Please contact Debra Bowen’s Field Director Lenny Young to volunteer: or 310.212.6792 


Organziers did this last year for Kamala Harris, and it made a HUGE inpact on the outcome.

Lenny Young
email: Lenny Young
phone: 310.212.6792






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We are an all-volunteer based group dedicated to serving the needs of our community and our fellow activists. President Barack Obama has inspired and trained us to take action; to be our government.

Our team works closely with both the Southern California grassroots community and the National Obama Campaign.
Our mission is to help fellow activists come together and continue the Change we started. We believe that through civic engagement comes personal empowerment.


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Posted in Newsletters.