Newsletter 3/5/11

LAG4O – Bowen Campaign Kick off, 5 days till Election Day

LA Grassroots 4 Obama Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:56 PM

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LA Grassroots 4 Obama  

5 days til Election Day!
Debra Bowen for Congress Campaign Kickoff
March 8th Election Endorsements


LAG4O Candidates!

LAG4O Measures

Find your Polling Place! 

There are some hotly contested races, as usual.  Below are our observations.

Why Vote?

Because it matters!  You can’t complain about your world without participating in its governance.
Please Vote
Get educated.  Make a difference. 
To learn more about what your elected officials do, visit Community of Us.
Measure L – Public Library Funding
Measure J – DWP Rate Payer Advocate
Measure N – Adjust Campaign Finance Rules to match Federal Ruling

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We are an all-volunteer based group dedicated to serving the needs of our community and our fellow activists. President Barack Obama has inspired and trained us to take action; to be our government.

Our team works closely with both the Southern California grassroots community and the National Obama Campaign.
Our mission is to help fellow activists come together and continue the Change we started. We believe that through civic engagement comes personal empowerment.
 Dear Laura,
There are just 5 days left before the March 8th Elections. 
Don’t like what your elected official is doing? Your job is to help them get it right and it starts with your vote.
Get out and Vote March 8th!
As usual, we’ll send out one last email you can print out and take to the polls.
We are proudly supporting
Debra Bowen for Congress 
We believe she is the ONLY qualified candidate to run for the 36th Congressional District and hope you will join us in supporting her.  She will opening her Campaign office this Saturday, March 5th and it would be a terrific opportunity to meet her, and your fellow organizers working on her campaign:
Please join Debra for an open house at the new
campaign office!

Saturday, March 5, 2011
1311 Sartori Avenue,
Torrance, CA 90501

Click here for more details 

SPOTLIGHT ON Council District 14 

Incumbent:  Jose Huizar

Challenger:  Rudy Martinez


Our Pick: Jose Huizar




Rudy Martinez has spent a small fortune in mail drops telling us why he thinks the councilman sucks,  but  says little about what he’ll do to solve problems in the district. Mutiple calls to the campaign office resulted in staff (some former Huizar staffers) telling us AGAIN why Huizar sucks, but being unable to state what Martinez stands for or what he intends to do. 

Requests for call backs from senior staff and/or the candidate resulted in zero contact.  Not a great start in responding to potential constituent requests or concerns, the one thing this candidate seems to be running on.   Pretty weak and not very impressive.


Jose Huizar is at the forefront of several key improvement projects in the 14th Council District, including the light rail Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension, and numerous improvements to parks and public spaces and is endorsed by labor, community organizers and the LA County Democratic Party.




SPOTLIGHT ON Council District 8 

Incumbent:  Bernard Parks

Challenger:  Forescee Hogan-Rowles




CD 8’s infrastructure continues to deteriorate, jobs are few and far between, and the promise of more constituent support goes to the wayside.  

Pro Business Parks has appointed himself the head budget police officer of the City Council.  For Parks, layoffs are the way to a balanced budget meanwhile more tax break and waiving of fees  for “job creating” developers.

 Forescee Hogan- Rowles received 56% of the vote from members of the Los Angeles Democratic Central Committee – leaving Bernard Parks as the only Democratic L.A. City Councilmember who failed to earn an endorsement for re-election. 




Time for the Republican posing as a Democrat go.






Our Pick: Forescee Hogan-Rowles


Calendar & Gallery

Check out the Calendar for the latest events in Los Angeles
We have a brand new Gallery!  Enjoy

Posted in Newsletters.