Measure |
Measure Description |
What the Measure does |
Supported by: |
Against: |
Measure G |
Fire & Police Pension Plan: New Tier 6 for sworn Fire, police, and harbor dept. employees hired on or after 7/1/11 and other modifications |
The measure realigns pensions for new hires and gives the Council the ability to meet Fedearl and State obligations. Will save 173 million over next 10 years. Encourages personnel to longer service for their pension benefits. |
Fire Chief, Police Chief, Council President Eric Garcetti, Bernard Parks |
Measure H |
Contract Bidder Campaign Contribution and Fundraising restrictions: Campaign Trust Fund |
The measure restricts campaign contributions and fundraising and require increased disclosure by prospective City contract bidders and ban violators from future City contracts. No additional costs are required for passage or maintenance |
Supported by Commonon Cause, League of Women Voters, CA Participation Project, Center for Governmental Studies, Council President Garcetti, Councilman Huizar |
Councilperson Jan Perry, Sterling Construction, Councilman Greig Smith, North Valley Chamber of Commerce, Councilman Bernard Parks, Valley Industry Commerce Association |
Measure I |
Create the Office of Public Accountability; Ratepayer Advocate |
Bring More transparancy to DWP by creating an independent “watchdog” that reviews how the DWP is spending taxpayer dollars, reviewing complaints and creating transparency for the public owned utility |
Council President Garcetti, Councilman Huizar, Councilman Greig Smith, Councilman Bernard Parks, Neighborhood Council DWP Oversight Committee |
Measure J |
DWP Submission of Budget to City Council and create procedures for surplus funds transfers from power fund to city resrve |
Measure requires the DWP to submit a preliminary Budget to the City Council annually by March 31st, and to be updated by May 31st. It will additionally establish procedures to transfer surplus funds to the City Reserve. |
Measure L |
Public Library Funding |
Increases the amount the city is required to move from the general fund to the Library fund .03% of the assessed value of the property while increasing the Library responsibilties to cover direct and indirect costs |
Council President Garcetti, Councilman Bernard Parks, Councilperson Jan Perry, Chief of Police Charlie Beck, Chief Librarian Mid Valley Regional Branch Library, President Ermeritus LA Valley College |
Ron Kaye, AARP, Fix Los Angeles |
Measure M |
Taxation of Medical Marijuana Collectives |
Creates a tax of 50.00 per 1000 of gross receipts recognizing that the sale of marijuana is illegal. Funds would got to City General funds |
United Firefighters Association, Latino Voter Guide, Public Health Nurses, Councilwoman Janice Hahn, Councilman Paul Koretz |
Councilman Bernard Parks, Councilperson Jan Perry, Chief of Police Charlie Beck, District Attorney Steve Cooley |
Measure N |
NO |
Campaign Finance |
Attempts to remove existing campaign finance rules in light of federal ruling |
Measure O |
LA Oil Production Tax |
1.44 Tax per barrel on oil generated in LA City. Creates 4 million in revenue to the City and does NOT raise gas prices. Funds go to General Services |
Councilman Bernard Parks, Councilperson Jan Perry |
Various Chamber of Commerce |
Measure P |
NO |
Reserve fund within the reserve fund |
Measure Q |
NO |
Employment Provision |
Limits length of emergency appointments and the amount of time retirees may work |