I support a Public Health Care Option – STEP 2

Call Constituents in targeted disctricts and ask them to call The Tri-Committee:

Health care reform is now being debated in Congress. In the House, the so-called  Tri-Committee   (made up of Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce, and the Committee on Education & Labor) produced a health care bill a couple of weeks ago, which is being “marked up” (debated and modified) as we speak. The committee members will take a break this week for the 4th of July holiday, then resume deliberations starting July 6th before the bill goes up for a vote later in the month.

This bill is a good start, but not perfect. For instance, the bill delays implementation until 2013, prevents existing members of employer group plans from participating,

contracts out administrative functions to private insurance companies and relies exclusively on premiums to fund the public option (which means retaining a profit motive for the plan to remain sustainable).


It’s imperative that activists do everything we can to get the best bill possible out of the committee process. Essentially, whatever comes out of this committee will be what we end up fighting for in reconciliation after the August recess, mostly because whatever comes out of the Senate will be significantly weaker.


Phone Bank And BBQ For Health Care Reform!

Wednesday, July 1


758 Palms Blvd. Venice, CA 90291



We will be phone banking to constituents in those California districts who have members on the Tri-Committee, and will ask those constituents to tell their congress members the following:


  1. You support a strong public option as part of health care reform.
  2. You support a public health care option that is available to ALL Americans on Day One. No “trigger”. No delay.
  3. You support a public health care option that is national, available everywhere, and accountable to Congress.
  4. You support a public health care option that can bargain for rates from providers and big drug companies.


Please bring a cell phone, your charger, and a side dish. We’ll supply the burgers.

Back to Step 1


Posted in Health Care, The Issues, Urgent Action!.