Is your life or a loved one’s life in turmoil because, despite your best efforts, you simply cannot make the payments companies like AES, Sallie Mae, etc. are demanding? It is estimated that one in four undergraduates will default on their loans in their lifetimes, and that unlike credit card debt, there are almost no consumer protections for people who fall behind in paying on their student loans–meanwhile loan company executives reap huge personal windfalls on the backs of the broken.
If you live in the Southern California area, Ramblin’ Man Films is looking for your story for an online video project. We want to hear from people who have put their best effort forward in trying to meet their obligation but cannot, due to unforeseen circumstances such as unemployment, disability, etc. make payments. If your story includes unfair, unethical or downright nasty behavior from these companies, we would certainly like to hear about it too. The only stipulation is that you must be located in Los Angeles!
Please send this ad to as many people as you can. Visit Ramblin Man Films for examples of our social issues work. We appreciate your time and consideration and hope that you’ll join us in starting a national dialogue on this underreported issue.